The CA Quarterly Review (Spring 2025)
- Hello Spring!
- Springtime Reminders
Change Batteries
Be proactive this spring and be sure to change the batteries in all smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors/alarms to ensure exigent health and safety compliance.
Enjoy the Outdoors
Ensure sidewalks, parking lots, and all outdoor spaces are clean and free of hazards and are ready to be utilized and enjoyed by residents.
Safety First
Spring is a great time to check and service all dryers to ensure vents are clear of lint and change filters for heating/air systems.
General Maintenance
Spring is also a great time for preventative maintenance:
Check the roof for leaks or broken shingles Eradicate excess moisture with dehumidifiers if necessaryTaking care of your property as the seasons change will help to prevent structural damage, save energy and money, and keep the property’s systems running smoothly. Cleaning, maintenance, servicing, and landscaping ensures that your property remains in good shape and is protected for the coming years.
- Clean out the gutters and foundation vents
- Replace damaged screens, windows and doors
- Clean and repair drainage systems
- Ensure all doors lock properly
- Check to be sure the fire system and fire extinguishers are in good working order
- Check that security systems/cameras etc. are in good working order
- Review indoor appliances and electrical systems
Taking care of your property as the seasons change will help to prevent structural damage, save energy and money, and keep the property’s systems running smoothly. Cleaning, maintenance, servicing, and landscaping ensures that your property remains in good shape and is protected for the coming years.
- Get Ready for Spring Cleaning - Record Retention Requirement Reminder
As we enter the spring months, now is the perfect time to conduct a thorough spring cleaning of your files. In order to facilitate your ‘out with the old, in with the new’ spring attitude, here are some reminders about record retention requirements.
Applicant File Retention –
Applicant Files must be maintained from the time the application is accepted, through the wait list period and for three years after the applicant is removed from the waiting list.
HUD Handbook 4350.3 Chapter 4, 4-22
- The owner must retain current applications as long as their status on the waiting list is active.
- Once the applicant is taken off the waiting list, the owner must retain the application, *form HUD-92006 completed by the applicant*, initial rejection notice, applicant reply, copy of the owner’s final response, and all documentation supporting the reason for removal from the list for three years.
- When an applicant moves in and begins to receive assistance, the application *and form HUD-92006 completed by the applicant* must be maintained in the tenant file for the duration of the tenancy and for three years after the tenant leaves the property.
Resident File Retention –
Resident files (all documentation) must be maintained for the term of tenancy plus three years thereafter.
HUD Handbook 4350.3 Chapter 5, 5-23
Owners must keep the following documents in the tenant’s file at the project site:- Owners must maintain documentation of all verification efforts throughout the term of each tenancy and for at least three years after the tenant moves out
1. All original, signed forms HUD-9887 and HUD-9887-A;
2. A copy of signed individual consent forms;
3. *A copy of the EIV Income Report, regardless of whether or not any income is reported for the household, along with the HUD-50059 and any other documentation obtained supporting income and rent determinations; and
4. Third-party verifications received from third-party sources.*
- Owners must maintain documentation of all verification efforts throughout the term of each tenancy and for at least three years after the tenant moves out
Retention of EIV Reports –
HUD Handbook 4350.3 Chapter 9, 9-14
Owners must retain:1. The Income Report, the Summary Report(s) showing Identity Verification Status as “Verified” and the Income Discrepancy Report(s) and supporting documentation must be retained in the tenant file for the term of tenancy plus three years.
2. Any tenant provided documentation, or other third party verification of income, received to supplement the SSA or NDNH data must be retained in the tenant file for the term of tenancy plus three years.
3. Results of the Existing Tenant Search must be retained with the application:
(a) If applicant is not admitted, the application and search results must be retained for three years.
(b) If applicant is admitted, the application and search results must be retained in the tenant file for the term of tenancy plus three years.
4. The master files for the New Hires Report, Identity Verification Reports, Multiple Subsidy Report and Deceased Tenants Report must be retained for three years.
Disposing of Files –
HUD Handbook 4350.3
Once the retention period has expired, owners must dispose of the data in a manner that will prevent any unauthorized access to personal information, e.g., burn, pulverize, shred, etc.
It is recommended to review the above requirements once a year to ensure unnecessary documentation is being kept and stored on-site. Many residents may reside at a property for multiple years and this will cause the resident file to become quite large. Owners may choose to move/reduce the files located at the property; however, it is recommended to keep all move-in documentation along with the most recent five years’ worth of recertifications. If file documentation is removed from the property, it must be kept in secure storage, the documentation cannot be destroyed. It is recommended to include this policy in an owner/agents written management procedures.
- Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) System
What is EIV?
The Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) System provides a comprehensive on-line system for the determination and verification of various resident information and income used when determining rental subsidy. Additionally, EIV collects supplemental employment and benefit information through data sharing agreements with the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). These agreements, in combination with HUD’s Secure Systems, provide an analysis of income and benefit information that helps to identify and resolve certain regulatory deficiencies and to implement proactive measures to effectively mitigate risk and program waste, fraud and abuse.
The use of the EIV system by O/As has been mandatory since HUD published the “Refinement of Income and Rent Determination Requirements in Public and Assisted Housing Programs: Implementation of the Enterprise Income Verification System--Amendments; Final Rule” in December of 2009, and must be used in its entirety:
- As a third-party source to verify tenant employment and income information during mandatory recertifications of family composition and income, in accordance with §5.236, and administrative guidance issued by HUD; and
- To reduce administrative and subsidy payment errors in accordance with HUD administrative guidance. (24 CFR §5.233)
EIV Application and Online Access for Multifamily Housing Programs
Initial Access
In order to gain access to the Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) System, you must apply for such access.
- If you would like to apply for EIV Coordinator access authorization rights, you must complete the Coordinator Access Authorization Form (CAAF) and submit the a hardcopy of the form to: HUD’s Multifamily Helpdesk by fax at 202-401-7984 or by email at
- If you would like to apply for EIV User access authorization rights, you must complete the User Access Authorization Form (UAAF) and submit it to your EIV Coordinator who will approve your form and grant your EIV access rights.
- To apply for access to the EIV System, applicants must have ‘active’ WASS User IDs (M-ID) that were issued to them by HUD, based on Owner authorization.
- EIV Coordinators must also have been assigned the WASS Coordinator role.
- To access HUD Secure Systems or register for a WASS User ID click here.
Individuals wanting to become EIV Coordinators and Users should read the instructions for applying for EIV access:
- External (Non-HUD Coordinator/User) Instructions for Applying for EIV Access for Multifamily Housing Programs
- System User Manual For Multifamily Housing Program Users 9.8
- External User Administration Manual For Multifamily Housing Programs 9.9
- Multifamily Housing Programs Security Administration Manual 9.9(a)
Recertification of EIV System Access
A Coordinator(s), contract(s) and/or property(ies) must be recertified annually for continued access to EIV. The Coordinator is required to log into EIV system and utilize the Coordinator Access Request menu to request recertification or application of a new contract or property by submitting an online CAAF to HUD's Multifamily Help Desk for approval. The ability for Users to complete and submit their UAAFs online also exists, which is submitted in EIV system online to the Coordinator for approval.
- Coordinators are required to recertify annually, with a 30-day grace period, or will lose full EIV access.
- Users must request and Coordinators must re-certify their EIV Users through the User Certification feature in the EIV system no later than the 30-day grace period Semi annually.
Maintaining EIV Access Documentation
Upon obtaining EIV access, the following documents must be retained and made available:
- Written authorization from the owner to access EIV data for the property
- List of EIV Coordinator(s) and EIV User(s) who currently have access to the EIV system
- HUD approved EIV Coordinator Access Authorization Form(s) (CAAFs) for each EIV Coordinator assigned to the property (original and current)
- EIV Coordinator approved EIV User Access Authorization Form(s) (UAAFs) for each employee assigned access to EIV data for the property (original and current)
- Signed Rules of Behavior document for each person who does not have access to the EIV system, but will be reviewing EIV data for authorized purposes
- “Certificate of Completion” of the online Cyber Awareness Challenge training
- Annual Cyber Awareness Challenge Training
- Secure Systems users and coordinators who access HUD’s Enterprise Income Verification System (EIV) or the Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System (TRACS) are required to complete the Cyber Awareness Challenge each year. Staff with access to EIV reports, because they have access to tenant files, are required to complete this training as well. To complete online security training please follow the steps below:
- Annual Cyber Awareness Challenge Training
- Follow the link: Cyber Awareness Challenge – DoD Cyber Exchange
- Click the ‘All Other Users’ Icon
- Click on ‘Start New Session’ to proceed with the training
- Print and maintain the Certificate of Completion
Management and Occupancy Review (MOR) Compliance
The MOR includes a thorough evaluation of how owner/agents are running and using EIV reports, whether or not they are documenting the actions they have undertaken to investigate discrepancies, and how they are storing the reports. The MOR will include a review of the property’s EIV Policies and Procedures, its Master EIV Binder/Files with all required EIV Reports retained for three years, and the required EIV Reports to be maintained within the respective tenant file.
To stay compliant with HUD Handbook 4350.3 Chapter 9, owner/agents must use EIV in its entirety, this means running the reports in accordance with Chapter 9 and their own Policies and Procedures. The handbook includes Exhibit 9-5 which is a valuable resource on EIV report usage, file documentation, and retention requirements.
- FAQ: HUD-assisted Housing and Medicare Advantage Supplemental Benefits
HUD has released FAQs based on numerous inquiries from owners and managers of HUD-assisted properties, families receiving HUD rental assistance, and other stakeholders about the interactions between certain benefits provided under Medicare Part C, commonly known as “Medicare Advantage (MA),” and HUD rental assistance programs.
The inquiries revolved around the use of certain benefits that are part of a MA Plan and may not be obviously medical and/or health expenses and how they affect the income calculations used to determine a family member’s or individual’s eligibility and rent subsidy amounts. The FAQs specifically addresses enrollees’ use of certain benefits offered by MA plans and clarifies when the use of supplemental benefits will be included in the determination of income pursuant to federal regulations for determining eligibility and rent-subsidy provided to the tenant.
Click here to view the FAQs publication.
1.What are Medicare Advantage (MA) plans? And what are the supplemental benefits covered by these plans?
Medicare Advantage (MA) health plans cover Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance), Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance), Medicare Part D (Drug Coverage), and may include supplemental benefits. These plans are generally offered by private companies that contract with Medicare and are regulated by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). There are several types of MA plans and a complete list can be found here.
MA supplemental benefits must either be “primarily health related,” or qualify as special supplemental benefits for the chronically ill (SSBCI). The eligibility criteria for SSBCI may vary by plan but in every case the benefits must have a reasonable expectation of improving or maintaining the health or overall function of the chronically ill enrollee. A non-exhaustive list of examples of non-primarily health related special supplemental benefits for the chronically ill can be found in the April 24, 2019 Health Plan Management System (HPMS) Memorandum.
2.What MA supplemental benefits are included in income determinations under HUD’s requirements at 24 CFR § 5.609?
When enrollees use supplemental benefits from their MA Plans to pay for rent and utilities, that support cannot be excluded from income determinations performed by a housing provider or PHA. HUD requires that benefits or supports received and used for the purpose of paying rent and utilities – such as the supports that may be provided through an MA Plan with SSBCI – must be included in the calculation of income.
3.What MA supplemental benefits are excluded from income determinations under HUD’s requirements at 24 CFR § 5.609?
PHAs and Owners and Managers of HUD-assisted properties should treat all other expenditures (except for rent and utility support) that qualify as supplemental benefits under an MA plan as excludable from annual income under 24 CFR § 5.609(b)(6).
4.What happens if the assisted family is a Medicare Advantage enrollee receiving a preloaded debit card (also known as a “Flex Card”) with, for example, $100 every month to administer benefits that include rent and utility support, but the preloaded amount is in the form of a use it or lose it benefit that does not roll over month to month or at the end of the plan year to create some larger resource for the assisted family?
As explained above, supplemental benefits received and used for rent and utilities by an eligible MA enrollee cannot be excluded from income. Accordingly, if an assisted family receives and uses rent and utility support as a supplemental benefit through, for example, a Flex Card, the dollar amount the family spends on such rent and utilities must be included as income.
Any benefits administered through a Flex Card other than rent and utility support payments, or unused benefits (e.g., any portion of the Flex Card amount that is unspent and the family loses at the end of the month or plan year) should not be counted in the family’s income calculation. For example, if the family receives a $100 Flex Card monthly and uses $50 on other excludable health and medical care expenses but none towards rent and utilities, then the entire $100 is excluded from the family’s income calculation.
5.How should a housing provider verify MA supplemental benefits that are included in a family’s income?
The vast majority of MA supplemental benefits will be excluded from income determinations, and thus do not need to be verified, including benefits on Flex Cards that are used for anything other than rent and utilities. If a family reports that they receive MA benefits to help pay for rent and utilities, PHAs and HUD-assisted owners must attempt to collect third-party documentation of the expenses and may accept the self-certification of the HUD-assisted family member when third-party documentation is not available.
As noted above, MA benefits administered through Flex Cards should be excluded from income without additional documentation unless available information indicates that the beneficiary is using the benefit for rent and utilities.
Housing providers should be aware that Medicare beneficiaries often receive benefits administered through Flex Cards in normal commercial transactions, such as using the card when checking out at the grocery store, purchasing a specialized food item recommended by their physician, or paying for over-the-counter medication. Beneficiaries should not be expected to keep a record of all purchases made and may not have straightforward access to such records from vendors that administer benefits through a Flex Card. Because only supplemental benefits for rent and utilities are relevant for income determinations, housing providers should generally assume that benefits administered through Flex Cards have not been used to pay for rent and utilities unless the housing provider has information to suggest otherwise, or the beneficiary has indicated that they receive and have used (or will use) the supplemental benefit for rent and utilities.
6.What if I have additional questions and concerns?
Should you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact your local HUD Field Office.
- HUD Published the FY25 UAF Factors
HUD published the FY2025 Utility Allowance Factors (UAF) which became effective February 11, 2025.
Click here to view the UAF Factors.
- Important Reminder: Having PBCA Contact Center Flyer Posted for Residents
Dear Owners and Management Agents,
As Spring brings rain showers, it can also bring questions and concerns regarding a variety of topics including: rent calculation, maintenance, HUD Handbook 4350.3, and vouchering. As the Contract Administrator for your Section 8 Multifamily Housing properties, the PBCA Contact Center is ready to assist. Our team of Customer Relation Specialists serve as a neutral third-party to residents, owners, and the public to assist in ensuring HUD’s mission of providing Decent, Safe, and Sanitary Housing.
The Contact Center needs your help to ensure that all residents are aware and have access to the contact information in order to reach out to our Customer Relation Specialists. Please make sure our Contact Center flyer is posted at your properties, so residents and applicants have access to this HUD required resource.
The Contact Center flyer is always available at the end of this Newsletter for your convenience.
- Revised Compliance Date for NSPIRE New Affirmative Requirements
As you are aware, NSPIRE Standards include new affirmative requirements defined generally as property attributes or requirements that must be met. When a property does not meet these requirements, it constitutes a defect and is noted within their inspection report.
HUD understands that owners, managers, and staff are still in the process of complying with these new affirmative requirements. That being the case, the compliance date for the new affirmative requirements under NSPIRE has been extended until October 1, 2025 (see H 2024-11).
These new affirmatives, not previously subject to inspection, include the HVAC minimum interior temperature requirement of 68° Fahrenheit (anything below 64° Fahrenheit requires repair within 24 hours), smoke alarm location and type, fire sprinkler assembly, and call-for-aid systems. For detailed descriptions of each category and the associated defects to which the revised compliance date applies, refer to Section IV.D. of the NSPIRE Final Rule.
Additionally, for a better understanding and overall picture of what will cause a property to ‘fail’ an inspection, the PBCA highly recommends property managers to utilize the following resources:
- NSPIRE Standards webpage. The NSPIRE Standards webpage consolidates and aligns housing quality requirements and associated inspection Standards across all programs. Each Standard is organized into two sections that present key components of an inspectable element under the NSPIRE program. The front matter at the beginning of the Standard describes attributes of the inspectable item and summarizes the defects that are citable as deficiencies. The second section provides further detail on each applicable deficiency by its inspectable location(s).
- Inspection Checklist. The Inspection Checklist also provides deficiency descriptions for each NSPIRE Standard. The Inspection Checklist associates the severity level (Life-Threatening, Severe, Moderate, Low) with each deficiency located in a unit, inside, or outside of the property. The severity level, which is identified as Health & Safety Designation on the Inspection Checklist, determines the time frame each deficiency must be corrected (24 hours, 30 days, or by the next scheduled inspection indicated by N/A). Please be aware, there is a significant increase to deficiencies required to be corrected within 24 hours as compared to previous HQS regulations.
- HOTMA Reminders and 2025 Inflation-Adjusted Values
As you work diligently to become HOTMA compliant, please review these vital reminders:
HOTMA Full Compliance Date
HUD Notice H 2024-09 issued on September 20, 2024 updated the HOTMA full compliance date from January 1, 2025 to July 1, 2025.
HOTMA Forms and Systems Changes
As we approach the full compliance date, we expect the following forms and systems to be released soon:
- HUD–50059, HUD–50059A, HUD–9887, HUD–9834, and the HUD Model Leases. Updated forms will be published to HUDCLIPS.
- TRACS 203A. TRACS specifications will be published to the MFH TRACS webpage.
- MFH plans to update HUD’s Occupancy Handbook (HUD Handbook 4350.3) to reflect changes required due to HOTMA.
Documentation in Tenant Files
Per HUD’s Memo to the housing industry in February of 2024, Owners who implement HOTMA prior to the release of TRACS version 203A must annotate tenant files with the following information:
- Which HOTMA and other Notices H 2023-10 provisions were implemented, regardless of whether they resulted in a different tenant rent than would have resulted using pre-HOTMA rules (owner are cautioned that many aspects of HOTMA are interrelated; implementation of some without others may be feasible and/or may affect tenant rents);
- How the family’s income, assets, and mandatory deductions were determined under the implemented HOTMA provisions; and
- If applicable, what the tenant rent would have been under the pre-HOTMA rules, and the HOTMA tenant rent amount that was entered using the ‘rent override’ function.
NOTE: The TSP and EIV P&P compliance date noted in the HUD Memo was revised to 5/31/2024 as per HUD Notice H 2024-04.
TRACS Rent Override Function
Implementing HOTMA prior to the release of TRACS version 203A requires Owners to use the “rent override” function in TRACS if a family’s HOTMA-calculated tenant rent differs from their pre-HOTMA calculated tenant rent. An owner employing the rent override function must:
- Submit accurate information in Sections B (Summary) and C (Household Information) of the 50059. Section C must accurately reflect the circumstances of the household so that HUD can continue income data-matching with other agencies;
- Enter the data in the remaining sections D (Income Information), E (Asset Information), and F (Allowances & Rent Calculations) of the 50059 from the family’s most recent reexamination (either annual or interim); and
- Submit non-interim transactions (see subtopic I.4 in Attachment I of Notice H 2023–10) as interim reexaminations, when applicable.
Important factors to keep in mind:
- Intake forms used to receive and process owner vouchers will not be updated until the TRACS update.
- Enforcement of the asset limitation is permitted only once tenants have signed the new HUD-approved Model Lease.
2025 HUD Inflation-Adjusted Values (Table 1): Effective January 1, 2025
HUD has published the eight Inflation-Adjusted Values effective January 1,2025. However, if an Owner is not yet complying with Section 102 and 104 of HOTMA, Owners must not utilize the new values. Annual inflationary adjustments, the new thresholds (e.g., asset limitation), and the requirement to use the passbook rate are among the provisions of Sections 102 and 104 of HOTMA.
Review of HOTMA Changes
Asset Limitation –If the family owns real property that is suitable for occupancy by the family as a residence or has assets in excess of $103,200 (*new 2025 inflation adjusted value), they will not be eligible for assistance (Owners are given discretion at reexamination when enforcing the asset limitation). This MUST NOT be enforced until HUD has published the new Model lease.
Calculating Income –At Annual Reexaminations, Owners must first determine the family’s income for the previous 12-month period (with attention being paid to current income) and use this amount as the family income. New Admissions and Interim Reexaminations will remain consistent with the pre-HOTMA process.
-When calculating income, Owners will not be considered out of compliance solely due to de minimis errors in calculating family income (errors no more than $30 per month in monthly adjusted income or $360 in annual adjusted income). While de minimis errors will not result in a finding, Owners are required to correct the error retroactively.
Deductions and Expenses –
-The elderly/disabled family deduction will increase from $400 to $525.
-The sum of unreimbursed health and medical care and reasonable attendant care and auxiliary expenses will change to what exceeds 10 percent of the family’s annual income can be deducted from annual income.
-Some financial hardship exemptions will be available for eligible families.
Imputed Income –Imputed income from assets is no longer determined based on the greater of actual or imputed income from the assets. Instead, imputed asset income must be calculated for specific assets when three conditions are met:
· The value of net family assets exceeds $51,600 (*new 2025 inflation adjusted value);
· The specific asset is included in net family assets; and
· Actual asset income cannot be calculated for the specific asset.
Income Exclusions – HUD is clarifying and adding some exclusions when it comes to a family’s Net Family Assets. One example is the nonrecurring income exclusion which replaces the former exclusion for temporary, nonrecurring, and sporadic income (including gifts), but it provides a narrower definition of excluded income.
Inflationary Adjustments – HUD will annually publish the eight inflationary adjustments. These adjustments will be found here.
Interim Reexaminations – The final rule changes the conditions under which interim reexaminations must be conducted, codifies when interim reexaminations should be processed and made effective, and requires related changes for annual reexaminations and streamlined income determinations.
-Owners must conduct an interim reexamination of family income when they become aware that a family’s annual adjusted income has changed by an amount that the Owner estimates will result in a decrease of 10 percent or more in annual adjusted income or a lower threshold set by HUD or the Owner in their TSP.
-Owners must also conduct an interim reexamination of family income when the Owner becomes aware that the family’s adjusted income has changed by an amount that the Owner estimates will result in an increase of 10 percent or more in annual adjusted income or another amount established through a HUD notice, with the following exceptions:
· Owners may not consider any increases in earned income when estimating or calculating whether the family’s adjusted income has increased, unless the family has previously received an interim reduction during the same reexamination cycle; and
· Owners may choose not to conduct an interim reexamination during the last three months of a certification period if a family reports an increase in income within three months of the next annual reexamination effective date.
Verification – The final rule updated verification of income requirements. All applicants must sign the consent form at admission, and participants must sign the consent form no later than their next interim or regularly scheduled income reexamination. After an applicant or participant has signed and submitted the updated consent form, they do not need to sign and submit subsequent consent forms at the next interim or regularly scheduled income examination except under the following circumstances:
· When any person 18 years or older becomes a member of the family;
· When a member of the family turns 18 years of age; and
· As required by HUD or the PHA in administrative instructions.
The regulation clarifies that Owners must use EIV to verify tenant employment and income information at annual and streamlined reexaminations of family composition and income. However, Owners are no longer required to use EIV to verify tenant employment and income information during an interim reexamination of family composition and income. Lastly, HUD is adjusting what the Department considers acceptable documentation of SSN to make it easier for applicants to access programs even if they do not have access to their Social Security card or other documentation acceptable to HUD.
Available HOTMA Resources
- HUD’s HOTMA Webpage- The HUD Webpage provides a wealth of information and links to all pertinent notices and documents, including training videos and resources found here.
- Notice H 2023-10- This notice provides guidance to Multifamily Housing (MFH) Owners on the implementation of the many program changes brought about by the Housing Opportunity Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA) section 102 and 104 and detailed in the final rule published in Federal Register Notice 88 FR 9600 on February 14,2023.
- HUD’s Office of Multifamily Programs has recognized that there are a lot of questions concerning the implementation of the Housing Opportunity Though Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA). In turn, they have developed a series of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that have been received from the industry. This new resource includes clarifying guidance on the HOTMA compliant Tenant Selection Plans (TSP) reviewed during Management and Occupancy Reviews (MOR). There is additional information on the phase-in hardship relief provision, as well as the use of rent override function in TRACS 202D. It is recommended that owners and agents of Section 8 projects become familiar with the HOTMA guidance and the recent FAQs. The full FAQs can be found here.
- CGI Partner Spotlight - CCS - Kathleen Agustin
What is your position with the PBCA? How long have you been with the PBCA? And, what are your major job tasks with that position?
I started with the PBCA in March of 2024. I am a Central Contract Specialist., My major job tasks include processing Vouchers, Rent Adjustments and recently, I learned the Contract Renewal process.
What motivates you professionally? What motivates you personally?
I like learning new processes, and systems. I am used to working in large team environments where service level agreements are part of a larger team. So, it's nice to get that here in the PBCA. Everyone on my team has a wealth of knowledge. This includes other Central Contract Specialists, my CCS mentors, and our AMMs. I had mentoring time with Financial Associates that helped me understand vouchering from that perspective. My time with the Training and Compliance team for various processes really helped lay out the foundation of my learning of PBCA functions. So, my motivation professionally and personally is to learn new concepts and improve those skills.
What lessons have you learned in your role (any work mottos or keys to success as a result)?
I am learning by observation from my colleagues that shared knowledge is key! This is something that I believe in too. Everyone has been super engaged in sharing their knowledge or guiding where to find the answer. I appreciate my team and mentors and hope to one day contribute!
What is your proudest accomplishment (either professional or personal)?
My proudest accomplishment was getting over my fear of swimming in open water, learning how to scuba dive in Monterey, CA, and my favorite place to dive locally. If you've ever watched videos of wild life in the ocean, they seem to relax and just go with the flow of currents- that's how I learned to conserve air and energy not to fight the currents and to dive with them. Diving comes with a lot of procedures and protocols which is fun to me. I use those metaphors in my everyday life and it comes in handy!
What is the greatest challenge you’ve overcome in your career?
I am familiar with everchanging environments within the financial sector which is where I am the most familiar. There were everchanging regulatory changes and policies, new system migrations and improvements, and emerging technology. I learned it's possible to realign in challenging and competitive environments to adjust for the better!
What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?
I usually like spending time with friends or family, cooking or trying a new restaurant. I like reading non-fiction and the book I am currently on is Healthy Brain, Happy Life. I enjoy spending time doing anything outdoors near the bay which is pretty easy to get to from where I live just north of the Golden Gate Bridge. If there's the ocean- there I will be!
- Contact Center Poster/Information
(Click here for a printable .pdf English version) (Click here for a printable .pdf Spanish version)
California Affordable Housing Initiatives (CAHI) is the HUD Contract Administrator and is responsible for responding to resident concerns. CAHI Call Center has a team of Customer Relation Specialist (CRS) that will receive, investigate and document concerns such as, but not limited to the following:- Questions or concerns regarding work order follow-up.
- Questions regarding the calculation of your rent.
- Address health & safety and HUD Handbook 4350.3 concerns.
Call Center Purpose:
- Call Center aids in ensuring HUDs mission of providing Decent, Safe and Sanitary Housing.
- Serve as a neutral third party to residents, owners and the public.
- Assist with clarifying HUD Occupancy Handbook 4350.3 requirements.
Call Center Contact Information and Business Hours:
- Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
- Contact Numbers: 800-982-5221 fax: 614-985-1502 (leave message after hours)
- Written Summaries: 107 South High Street, 2nd Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215
- Email:
- Website:
àTo access the CAHI website scan this QR code with your smartphone
Concerns can be submitted by the following:
- Phone
- Fax
- Voicemail
- FOIA- Freedom of Information Act request must be submitted directly to HUD
Required Information to open an inquiry:
- Property name
- Caller’s name (anonymous calls accepted)
- Caller’s telephone number with area code
- Caller’s address including apartment number
- A brief, detailed description of the caller’s concern(s)
1550 Parkside Drive • Suite 150 • Walnut Creek, CA • 94596
Tel: 800-982-5221 • English TTY: 800-735-2929 • Spanish TTY: 800-855-3000 •
- Closing Thoughts
If you are not already receiving this publication via e-mail, or if you have ideas, suggestions, or questions for future publications, we’d like to hear from you. Please send an email to