TKC - Frequently Asked Questions

Are HUD Materials available in languages other than English?

HUD Documents available in languages other than English

For a better understanding of the language requirements that properties should implement please visit the following HUD resource: Limited English Proficiency.

Click here for the "I Speak" Language Flashcards. These cards will assist individuals in showing which lanuage he/she speaks.

MultiFamily HUD Forms

Model Lease for Subsidized Programs (Form HUD 90105-a) AmharicArabic|Armenian|Cambodian | Chinese |EnglishFarsiFrench | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | SpanishTagalog |Vietnamese |
Model Lease for Section 202/8 or Section 202 PACs (Form HUD 90105-b)

Amharic|ArabicArmenianCambodian |Chinese|English|FarsiFrench | Korean |Portuguese | Russian | SpanishTagalog | Vietnamese |

Model Lease for Section 202 PRACs (Form HUD 90105-c) AmharicArabicArmenian|EnglishFarsiFrench | Korean | Cambodian | Chinese|Portuguese | Russian | SpanishTagalog |Vietnamese
Model Lease for Section 811 PRACs (Form HUD 90105-d) AmharicArabicArmenian|CambodianChinese | EnglishFarsiFrench | Korean |Portuguese | Russian | SpanishTagalog | Vietnamese |
Lease Addendum - Violence Against Women and Justice Department Reauthorization Act of 2005 (HUD 91067)

Amharic Arabic| Armenian|Chinese |English |FarsiFrench |khmer| Korean |Portuguese Russian | SpanishTagalog |Vietnamese

Supplement to Application for Federally Assisted Housing (HUD 92006) Amharic | ArabicArmenian|Chinese | English |FarsiFrench |Korean |khmer|Portuguese | Russian | SpanishTagalog |Vietnamese
Certification of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence or Stalking (HUD 91066)

Amharic | Arabic | Armenian | Chinese | English |Farsi |French |Khmer |Korean | Portuguese |Russian |Spanish | Tagalog |Vietnamese

Document Package for Applicants/Tenant’s Consent to the Release of Information (HUD 9887/A, Form HUD-9887, Form HUD-9887-A,and Relevant Verifications) Amharic | ArabicArmenian|FarsiFrench | Korean | Cambodian |Chinese |Portuguese | Russian | SpanishTagalog | English

Multifamily Notices and Brochures

Annual Recertification Initial Notice (HUD Handbook 4350.3, Exhibit 7-1) Amharic | Arabic| English Armenian|CambodianChineseFarsiFrench | Korean |Portuguese | Russian | SpanishTagalog | Vietnamese |
Annual Recertification First Reminder Notice (HUD Handbook 4350.3, Exhibit 7-2) Amharic | ArabicArmenian|Cambodian | ChineseFarsiFrench | Korean |Portuguese | Russian | SpanishTagalog | Vietnamese | English
Annual Recertification Second Reminder Notice (HUD Handbook 4350.3, Exhibit 7-3) Amharic | ArabicArmenian|Cambodian | ChineseFarsiFrench | Korean |Portuguese | Russian | SpanishTagalog | Vietnamese | English
Annual Recertification Third Reminder Notice/Notice Of Termination (HUD Handbook 4350.3, Exhibit 7-4) Amharic | ArabicCambodian | ChineseFrench|FarsiKorean | Portuguese | Russian | SpanishTagalog | Vietnamese | English
EIV & You brochures Amharic ArabicArmenian| |Chinese|EnglishFarsi| French | khmer|Korean |Portuguese | Russian | SpanishTagalog | Vietnamese |
Model Form of Notification of Rent Increase Resulting From Recertification Processing Amharic | ArabicArmenian|Cambodian |ChineseFarsiFrench | Korean |Portuguese | Russian | SpanishTagalog | Vietnamese | English
Interim Adjustment Initial Notice (HUD Handbook 4350.3, Exhibit 7-7) Amharic | ArabicArmenian|Cambodian |ChineseFarsiFrench | Korean |Portuguese | Russian | SpanishTagalog | Vietnamese | English
Interim Adjustment Termination of Assistance (HUD Handbook 4350.3, Exhibit 7-8) Amharic | ArabicArmenian|Cambodian | ChineseFarsiFrench || Korean |Portuguese | Russian | SpanishTagalog | Vietnamese | English
Resident Rights & Responsibilities Brochure Amharic | ArabicEnglish |Armenian|Cambodian|ChineseFarsiFrench | Korean |Portuguese | Russian | SpanishTagalog | Vietnamese |

Fact Sheets

How Your Rent is Determined (Project-Based Section 8) Fact Sheet Amharic | Arabic | Armenian | Chinese | English |Farsi |French |Khmer |Korean Portuguese |Russian |Spanish Tagalog |Vietnamese
How Your Rent is Determined (BMIR) Fact Sheet

Amharic | Arabic | Armenian | Chinese | English |Farsi |French |Khmer |Korean | Portuguese |Russian |Spanish | Tagalog |Vietnamese