About US

The mission of California Affordable Housing Initiatives, Inc. is to administer project-based Section 8 contracts on behalf of the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development in order to:

  • Ensure that eligible families are provided affordable housing that is well managed and maintained;
  • Contribute to building and preserving healthy neighborhoods and communities; and
  • Operate with a high degree of integrity and public and fiscal accountability
History & Partners

California Affordable Housing Initiatives, Inc. ("CAHI") was formed as an instrumentality of the Oakland Housing Authority to enhance, preserve, develop and administer housing for HUD-defined low and moderate income families and individuals in California. CAHI assumed contract administration duties for Northern California from HUD on October 1, 2004. The Northern California program encompasses more than 560 properties assisting over 42,700 residents.

As part of HUD's Performance Based Contract Administration (PBCA) program for project based section 8, CAHI's primary purpose is to administer Section 8 contracts in Northern California on behalf of HUD.

CAHI has CGI as its business-processing partner to perform many of the processing activities required under the Annual Contributions Contract (ACC). These contract administration activities include renewing expiring Housing Assistance Payment Contracts, adjusting contract rents, processing monthly HAP voucher payments and performing Management & Occupancy Reviews. In 2021 alone, CAHI processed:

  • Processed over 6,750 vouchers totaling more than $608,000,000 in subsidy
  • Renewed 50 Expiring HAP Contracts
  • Completed 484 rent adjustments
  • Performed 316 MORS.

CGI Federal's Housing, HUD Sector, working with its partners in Northern California as well as Ohio, New York, Florida, Tennessee, and Washington D.C is currently the largest HUD contractor for Section 8 Performance Based Contract Administration, processing over $1.8 Billion of housing assistance payments for over 250,000 units annually.

Board of Directors & Officers

CAHI Board of Directors

Gregory Hartwig
Board Chair

Anne Griffith
Vice Chair

Patricia Wells
Board Director

CAHI Officers

Patricia Wells, CEO
Executive Director, Oakland Housing Authority

Duane Hopkins, Secretary
Chief Officer of Programs and Finance Administration, Oakland Housing Authority

Victor Madamba, Treasurer
Director of Finance, Oakland Housing Authority

Management Team

Keischa Harris
CAHI Contract Administrator

Charles Young
State Manager

Darline Burrell
Asset Manager

Ann Ninh
Asset Manager

Paul Rabuy
Local Services Manager

Board Meetings

Next Meeting:  Tuesday December 12th:  Meeting Notice and Agenda

Future Meetings: 

Past Meetings:

Tuesday September 12th:   Meeting Agenda

June 13, 2023  Meeting agenda


Archived Agendas for prior years

Industry Partners

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Office of the Regional Administrator - Serving Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, the Territory of Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and American Samoa

California Staff Directories and Jurisdictions

Affordable Housing Management Association, Northern California and Hawaii (AHMA-NCH)

Affordable Housing Management Association, Northern California and Hawaii (AHMA-NCH) is a non-profit, professional organization of property management companies and owners who specialize in the development and operation of multifamily affordable housing.

Disability Benefits 101 (DB101)

For persons with disabilities, Disability Benefits 101 (DB101) helps workers, job seekers, and service providers understand the connections between work and benefits, including housing. 

Click here to learn more: Disability Benefits 101